How Righteous Que Boosted Profitability

When Patrick Verzone, owner of Righteous Que, a popular spot northwest of Atlanta, embarked on his entrepreneurial journey, he faced a common hurdle: mastering the intricacies of budgeting and projections. As a single operator, Patrick's passion for BBQ was clear, but optimizing financial performance proved challenging.

A Game-Changer for Budgeting and Growth

Patrick’s search for solutions led him to the P3 Mastermind Program. “I’m naturally curious and always on the lookout for ways to improve,” Patrick explains. “I stumbled upon Chip’s projection worksheet online, which sparked a series of conversations about the P3 Mastermind. It seemed like exactly what I needed, so I decided to dive in.”

Strategic Support and Practical Tools

Before joining P3, Patrick’s business had its ups and downs. “Some months we were profitable, and others we weren’t where we should be. The P3 Mastermind course, with its focus on practical tools and personalized feedback, helped me align with my manager on goals and implement effective budgeting and projection strategies.”

Patrick also took advantage of the P3 summit for marketing, which opened doors to new promotional opportunities. “Before P3, my marketing was solely word of mouth. The summit connected me with others who helped me enhance my marketing efforts.”

The P3 Mastermind program made a substantial difference for Righteous Que. By implementing the budgeting and projection strategies learned, Patrick witnessed a significant turnaround. Over a few months, the restaurant saw a 40% increase in business, resulting in a 28% net profit in May. This success demonstrates the effectiveness of applying tailored strategies to enhance financial performance.

To learn more visit: righteousque.com

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